Our Rose & Carnation Harmony is perfect for funerals or memorials, with red and white tones symbolizing love, remembrance, and peace. Delicate roses and carnations are tastefully arranged for a comforting presence.
Nuestra Armonía de Rosas y Claveles es ideal para funerales o servicios conmemorativos, con tonos rojos y blancos que simbolizan amor, recuerdo y paz.
Red Roses & White Carnation Harmony Casket Spray
STANDARD CATEGORY: Floral arrangement will be created approximately as pictured.
DELUXE UPGRADE: Additional flowers will be added to enhance the floral arrangement.
PREMIUM UPGRADE: We will add a mix of regular and high-quality flowers to enhance the floral arrangement.
DIAMOND UPGRADE: We will add the highest quality flowers available to enhance the floral arrangement.